India - New Customs Form - January 10, 2014

New Customs Form

Effective as of January 1, 2014, all passengers travelling to India will be asked to complete a new, more detailed customs form upon arrival.india crown relo Travelers will need to specifically declare any prohibited articles, gold jewellery (over the free allowance), gold bullion and Indian Rupees in excess of 7,500.

This additional information will assist the authorities in preventing check duty frauds and cases of undervaluation, as well as keeping a record of precious metals brought into the country.

Passengers will also need to provide details of all other countries visited in the past six days and include their passport numbers on the new form. 

Change to Immigration Form Formality for Returning Indian Citizens

Also effective as of January 1, 2014, Indian citizens will only have to complete an immigration form when they leave the country. They are no longer required to complete an immigration form when returning from abroad.

For additional information, please refer to the following news article:

Disclaimer: The information is intended for general purpose only.
Crown Relocations cannot be held responsible for any damage caused from using the information below.

Kit Tang, Regional Immigration Manager - Asia