Crown São Paulo goes pink to support breast cancer campaign

Recently, Crown’s São Paulo branch organized a “pink coffee break” for all staff to support International Breast Cancer Month. This is when breast cancer charities and organizations worldwide campaign to increase and spread awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer. Events around the world include walks and runs and illuminating landmark buildings in pink.

Pink balloons, candies and informational booklets were distributed at the coffee break to show support and to share information and personal experiences related to breast cancer. A pink ribbon was given to all employees, including the warehouse staff, who can wear it while meeting clients outside the company, spreading even more support for the campaign. The coffee break project was intended to touch everyone in the branch and to extend to clients, employees’ families and the community, spreading awareness that breast cancer affects both men and women.