I Sold Everything and Moved Abroad: You Won't Believe What Happened Next!


September 25th, 2024

Written By 
Kerry Daniels

Kerry is Crown's Director of Sales and Customer Success for the UKI, Nordics and European region based in Prague. 

Kerry joined Crown in 1994 in Dubai and has lived in various countries around the world.  Kerry is an expert in relocation and understands the challenges faced when moving.   
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Are you tired of the daily grind and yearning for an adventure? 

Meet Alex, a daring soul who took the ultimate leap of faith: selling everything and moving abroad. In this exclusive interview, Alex shares the highs and lows of starting fresh in a new country, offering a candid glimpse into the life-changing experience. 

From navigating language barriers to embracing a new culture, Alex's journey is filled with unexpected twists and invaluable lessons. If you've ever dreamed of packing your bags and setting off on an international adventure, this story is for you!

In our conversation, Alex reveals the motivations behind the bold decision to move to Lisbon, Portugal, and the steps taken to make this dream a reality. 

We delve into the initial challenges faced upon arrival, including feelings of isolation and the struggle to build a new social network. Alex also highlights the surprising aspects of adapting to a different lifestyle and how these experiences fostered personal growth. 

Whether you're contemplating a move abroad or just curious about what it's like, Alex's story is packed with practical advice and inspiring moments that showcase the transformative power of stepping outside your comfort zone.

🎙️ Interviewer: Thanks for joining us today, Alex. Your story of moving abroad has captured a lot of attention. Can you start by telling us what made you decide to sell everything and move to a new country?

💬 Alex: Absolutely! It all started when I realised I was stuck in a rut. I had a stable job, a nice home, and a decent social life, but something was missing. One night, I stumbled upon a travel blog about people who had moved abroad and completely transformed their lives. It felt like a sign. That’s when I decided to take the plunge.

🎙️ Interviewer: That’s incredible! So, what was the first step you took after making this life-changing decision?

💬 Alex: The first thing I did was start decluttering my life. I sold my furniture, clothes, and other belongings. It was liberating! The idea was to start fresh and not be tied down by material possessions. I also began researching different countries. I wanted a place that offered a vibrant culture, good quality of life, and affordable living costs.

🎙️ Interviewer: How did you choose your new home, and what was it like when you first arrived?
💬 Alex: After a lot of research, I decided on Lisbon, Portugal. The city had everything I was looking for: rich history, stunning architecture, and a welcoming community. When I first arrived, I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the place. The cobblestone streets, the colourful buildings, and the smell of fresh pastries in the air—it was magical. But reality hit when I realized I didn’t know anyone and barely spoke the language.

🎙️ Interviewer: That sounds challenging! How did you overcome the initial obstacles?

💬 Alex: It was tough, no doubt. I felt isolated at first, but I forced myself to get out there and meet people. I joined local expat groups, attended language classes, and made an effort to connect with my neighbours. Slowly but surely, I started building a new social circle. I also made sure to immerse myself in the culture by exploring the city, trying new foods, and participating in local festivals.

🎙️ Interviewer: What was the most surprising thing about living in a new country?

💬 Alex: The most surprising thing was how quickly it began to feel like home. Despite the initial challenges, I found that people were incredibly kind and helpful. I also learned to appreciate the slower pace of life. In the beginning, I struggled with the laid-back attitude towards time, but now I cherish it. It’s taught me to enjoy the moment and not stress about the little things.

🎙️ Interviewer: Did you experience any major setbacks or moments of doubt?

💬 Alex: Oh, definitely. There were times when I questioned my decision, especially during the language barrier struggles and homesickness. One of the toughest moments was when I fell ill and had to navigate the healthcare system alone. But these experiences also made me stronger and more resilient. I learned to trust myself and adapt to new situations.

🎙️ Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone considering a move abroad?

💬 Alex: My biggest piece of advice is to do thorough research and have a plan, but also be prepared to embrace the unexpected. Moving abroad is a huge step, and it’s important to be mentally and emotionally ready for the challenges. Building a support network is crucial, so don’t be afraid to reach out to other expats and locals. And most importantly, give yourself time to adjust and be kind to yourself.

🎙️ Interviewer: Finally, what’s next for you, Alex?

💬 Alex: I’m loving life in Lisbon, and I plan to stay here for the foreseeable future. I’ve started a blog to document my experiences and help others who are considering a similar move. I also want to continue exploring more of Europe and maybe even learn another language. The possibilities are endless!

🎙️ Interviewer: Thank you so much for sharing your incredible journey with us, Alex. Your story is truly inspiring!

💬 Alex: Thank you for having me! I hope my story encourages others to take that leap of faith and chase their dreams.

Moving internationally is a significant step, but with the right preparation and guidance, it can be a smooth and exciting transition to your new life abroad. At Crown Relocations we have over 50 years of experience of relocating individuals and families. Contact us today to see how we can support you with your move.