Discover the most popular European destinations for Hong Kong expats

There are several reasons why people leave Hong Kong, including work opportunities, educational benefits, or pursuing a new life within a new culture. Out of all the different worldwide destinations you can choose from, a growing number of people are choosing to migrate to Europe.

Why move from Hong Kong to Europe?

There are plenty of excellent reasons for Hong Kongers to migrate to Europe. Europe offers more economic opportunities and many culturally rich destinations to visit and experience. You'll be able to pursue a wide range of activities, such as skiing in the Alps, visiting iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, and take part in festivals such as Oktoberfest and La Tomatina.

Typically, visa requirements can make international travel difficult. Fortunately, things are slightly easier in Europe. The Schengen Area supports easy traveling between the 29 European member countries, needing just a passport with at least three months validity and a return or onward ticket.

Other reasons for moving to Europe:

  • Europe is well known for its cultural diversity, which is further enhanced by people from all over the world living there. Europeans are recognized for their lively and varied lifestyles and known for being open and friendly.
  • Additionally, Europe has a very extensive history that goes back thousands of years. There are numerous ruins and edifices from ancient times, so if you love history or traveling, you will find plenty of amazing places to see.
  • While a few countries still use their own currency, the Euro is widely used in many countries throughout Europe. This enables simple travel as you don't need to worry about currency exchanges.

We understand that moving to another country can be very stressful and challenging. That’s why the team at Crown Relocations Hong Kong are here to help you! As a professional, full-service moving company, we help simplify the moving process, including navigating customs and visa processes. We can also make it easy to settle at your destination. 

This makes us the ideal partners for moving from Hong Kong to Europe. Call us on +852 2636 8399 during business hours for more information or request a quote; We are ready to help!

The most popular European countries expats move to live in

Moving to Spain

Spain is a country where people place importance on family gatherings, leisure time and spending time with friends. Spain is widely known for its siesta, when many people take a break mid-day to limit work in the hot sun, although this is not as prevalent in the main cities. 

When it comes to the local weather, the temperatures can range quite widely depending which region you live in. Coastal areas of Spain are more humid, but that’s to be expected if you live close to the beach!

The local history is fascinating, and you can find many historical vestiges and homes that have been converted into museums. The country itself is excellent if you want to move with the entire family, and it maintains a high standard of living. As you move towards the countryside, it becomes a lot cheaper to live there, and you can also enjoy stunning views of the surroundings. When it comes to food, Spain has many favourites like paella, tortilla, and gazpacho. Food is usually fresh and flavourful and varies depending on the region.

Spain has a very good healthcare system and is well-regarded. So, if you are looking to move to Europe from Hong Kong, then Spain is a top contender. It has a high standard of living, a well-regarded healthcare system, and the country itself is beautiful, with many stunning places to explore.

Moving to Germany

Germany has one of the best economies in Europe, with salaries 20-30% higher than the European average. Though Germany’s larger cities might be expensive, many of the smaller cities offer cheaper living costs than Hong Kong city.

Germany offers a stellar work-life balance with flexible working hours and offers of annual leave of 5-6 weeks being common. It is much easier to migrate to Germany compared to other countries, as their visa system is easy to manage.

Germany’s healthcare system is exceptional, focusing on public health and medical research. Education in Germany is considered one of the best in Europe, including their dual education system which combines on-the-job training alongside academic studies. 

Culturally, Germany is rich with festivals, art, music, and many kinds of local traditions. While German is the primary language, English is widely spoken, and there are many resources for learning German. 

Germany's family-friendly environment and policies make it an attractive place for families. If you want to relocate from Hong Kong, Germany is an excellent choice!

Moving to France

The quality of life in France surpasses many European countries, and that makes it a wonderful option for Hong Kongers. France has a family-friendly environment, and it provides exceptional social security benefits along with family perks. 

Their work-life balance is famed for shorter workweeks of 35 hours with businesses offering 5 weeks or more of paid leave. As expected, salaries tend to be higher in the larger cities, but it is worth considering smaller cities as well depending on your preferred lifestyle. People are generally attracted more by the living standards in France rather than business opportunities.

Culture is very important to the French, with a deep appreciation for fashion, music, literature and art. French cuisine, longer lunch breaks, beautiful landscapes all contribute to France’s appeal. France's excellent universal healthcare system is also a definite attraction, being available to all residents. 

France is known for having a generally strong education system. However, the quality of schools can vary
depending on where you live. Since France is a multicultural country, it doesn’t have many issues assimilating new cultures, and that certainly makes it stand out.

Moving to Italy

Italy is one of the top European destinations for expats, and it’s easy to see why. It’s a country with a very long history, dating back thousands of years. There are fascinating locations to visit and take in, such the canals in Venice, Renaissance masterpieces in the Basilica of San Lorenzo in Florence, and old Roman ruins like the Colosseum.

The healthcare system in Italy is based on solidarity, equality, and universality, making sure everyone receives the care they need, with private healthcare options available as well. Italian is the main language used in the workplace, but there is more of an emphasis on work-life balance. 

Many Italian foods sound familiar to us in Hong Kong, like pasta, risotto, pizza, lasagna, and focaccia. However, each region in Italy has its own culinary traditions and flavours.

Italy’s Mediterranean climate produces pleasant summers and mild winters. The Italian countryside is widely known for being extremely beautiful and some of the most serene locations on earth. 

Italians are known for their laid-back lifestyle, prioritising work-life balance, promoting family and social connections and emphasising enjoyment of simple pleasures. With all of this, Italy is a fantastic place to move to!

Moving to the Netherlands

If you want to move to a European country, the Netherlands is worth considering for several reasons. The Dutch culture is inclusive and welcoming. Many people in the Netherlands understand and speak English already which makes it even easier to settle into a local community. There is a real focus work-life balance both at work and outside of work. This includes flexible working hours, generous leave entitlements and discouraging working overtime. 

The Netherlands has an excellent transportation system, so getting around is easy and convenient. Cycling is a common way of commuting, with safe dedicated bike lanes and plenty of bicycle parking at workplaces and public facilities. Cycling is also a popular leisure activity that promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Local food is interesting and very flavourful, with options like poffertjes (pikelets), Bitterballen (deep-fried balls filled with beef) or Stroopwafel (thin crispy waffles with caramel syrup) and the famous Gouda cheese being available. 

When it comes to healthcare, the Dutch system is very effective, although quite expensive. Though average income is lower, the cost of living is comparable to that of other nearby countries. 

The Netherlands also has a wide range of business opportunities available in many different sectors, which makes moving to the Netherlands an attractive option for many Hong Kongers, including entrepreneurs.

Moving to Switzerland

Many countries on this list are well-known for providing a very good quality of life. Despite being a tiny nation, Switzerland provides a strong work-life balance. The Swiss are leaders in offering flexible working hours and working from home options. 

Swedish incomes are higher than the European average, but that is balanced by a higher cost of living relative to other European countries. Swiss employees generally work less overtime and there is a high value placed on leisure and enjoying nature. 

Protecting the environment is a strong focus of Switzerland. Known for its stunning beauty, Switzerland is also a great destination for those who love being active, with plenty of opportunities for skiing, hiking and other outdoor activities.

There are four official languages in Switzerland: German, French, Italian and Romansh, with English and Portuguese the most common foreign languages. The Swiss healthcare system is excellent, but you are required to hold basic health insurance. 

While living costs are higher when compared to other countries, it’s certainly an awesome place to live. and the environment-focused lifestyle really sets it apart from other European countries. The better living conditions and unspoiled natural beauty of Switzerland will always make it particularly attractive to live there.

Moving to Sweden

Sweden is one of the countries that has cut the workweek to offer a better work-life balance to their residents, resulting in reduced sick leave being taken. Gender equality is also key to achieving a balance between career and family, with a total of 480 days paid parental leave being given to parents. Innovation is strongly encouraged in Sweden, making this another great reason to work there with IKEA and Spotify being strong examples of Swedish innovation.

Many people in Sweden speak English well, making it easier for expats to live there. However, knowing some Swedish will help you assimilate better. Swedes love their coffee, and what better reason to partake in ‘fika’, a Swedish tradition to meet with family friends or colleagues over coffee accompanied by a little sweet treat.

Most Swedes are known for being outdoorsy and fun to be around. Participating in Eurovision has been a national event, with 7 wins since ABBA won in 1978. Sweden combines child-friendly environments and the outdoors, with some places having outdoor preschools and nature schools. Sweden’s natural beauty, openness to spending time outdoors and work-life balance all recommend it as a desirable place to live.

Moving to Norway

Nordic countries, including Norway, tend to be a very good option for those who want to move from Hong Kong to Europe. The climate is quite different to Hong Kong though, with significantly colder winters and shorter summers. However, there are lots of outdoor spaces and opportunities for fishing, skiing and hiking in beautiful forests, fjords and mountains.

Living costs in Norway are higher than most places in Europe, which is something to consider. However, Norway is also known for being one of the best and safest places to raise a family. The education system is of a very high quality for public, private and international schools.

Norway is very picturesque with many fascinating historical sites and museums to visit. Compared to some other countries, Norway may be a slightly easier place to settle into because Norwegians tend to speak English extremely well. 

It’s important to note that Norway also promotes work-life balance with generous parental leave, and flexible work hours. To allow for regular relaxation and family time, most stores and companies are closed on Sundays. Norway is a top choice for relocation because of its year-round outdoor activities and excellent work-life balance.


As you can see, moving to Europe is an amazing idea, since there are plenty of countries with excellent lifestyles at reasonable costs of living. Of course, moving from Hong Kong to Europe will have its challenges, as the local culture is quite different. What’s exciting, though, is that European countries are very welcoming, people are friendly, and many of these countries are very family friendly. European countries also invest significantly in healthcare and prioritise a good work-life balance for their residents.

Then there is the natural beauty of these countries; after all, there’s a reason why many of them are tourist destinations. Moving to Europe from Hong Kong is certainly a big adjustment, but Crown are here to help you through the whole moving and settling in process.

Our team is ready to assist you, with both the relocation process and legal requirements such as customs and visa processes.
Simply get in touch with us now on +852 2636 8399 or request a quote using our online form.